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Sin, Shame, and a Mind Free to Choose: A Holy Diatribe

Gia Prism

(Originally published 2018)

It's time we stop using the word “sin” altogether.

If we must use something — a word to describe actions that are less than beneficial for our greatest good — how about the word “choice” instead? This seemingly simple dialectic switch will allows us to open ourselves to productive and judgement-free conversations about free will, consequences, and accountability — a vital gateway to building the essential ability in oneself to think through a desire before acting on it impulsively. It is from this supportive space we are able see the real value of "choice": the mechanism for developing the ability to face one’s choices and handle the aftermath with maturity, allowing us to truly learn lessons that will wholly serve us now and in the future, fully and completely free from the traumatic effects of shame at last.

After all, isn’t that what we’re all here for? To experience and learn and grow? Or would you rather remain ashamed, afraid, and paralyzed for life?

For many, there is an obvious conclusion. For far too many others, this stands in direct contrast to the drastic and penalizing dictates of religion and societal pressures to perform and conform that have existed for countless generations, which have insidiously worked their way not only into the consciousness of souls living today but into the deepest recesses of our DNA, binding us and our ancestors in a toxic prison of bottomless shame.

These dictates have taught us that we must avoid the wages of sin at all cost, and to do so we must make impeccable choices at all times and in all ways. But beneath this seemingly well-intentioned advice is the bitter truth: that "making good choices" in this manner actually means to make puritanical decisions based on a collectively agreed-upon (or, worse, harshly imposed) moral code of conduct. And so we see that to choose, in this case, is reduced to merely acting according to the dictates of our collective ideals of prudent propriety, often irrespective of our own free will and the deepest desires of the heart.

But this isn't choice; it's coercion. And it's a perversion of the free agency God granted us as the creator gods and goddesses in human form that we are.

Indeed, this is in radical contrast to our intrinsic design, our intended mode of being ... for creation is not in the doing, but in the very state of being.

Not all choices have an accompanying action, for true choice exists in the mind alone. Therein lies its authentic purity and its power. We need do nothing but decide in our minds if we agree or disagree with the option in front of us — if we wish to create more or less of what we see. At which point action is not only unnecessary, it effectively renders the decision moot.

To do is to force, to pervert agency and seize it ... but to choose is to allow, and allowing is pure creation — for within the energy of allowing is an acceptance of not only our own will but divine will intertwined with our own, unleashing in all its glorious forms endless streams of heavenly assistance. Such is the power of free will and choice. This is our birthright as children of the Creator. And it is the energy with which miracles are brought into form.

Our true powers of creation lie not in the physical act of doing, but in the energy of choice, free will, and allowing. And the true wages of sin is its destructive power to strip us of our ability to make choices within a mind that is totally free ... for at last you see that the very concept of sin is what constricts the mind in unholy ways: Sin and its cohort shame bind the mind, extinguishing true creation and sabotaging the divine gift of free will. Sin IS the sin — and it's time to set ourselves free.

"Go and sin no more," Jesus said.


Go and be sinless — go and choose. Choose and be. Be and create.

You are infinite, dear one. Free yourself of sin and shame by rejecting the very concept of sin, and all that is tied into it. Choose and create and be, using all the powers of heaven that attend you.

You are magnificent. Go and sin no more.


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