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The Age of Transmutation

Gia Prism

Channeled by Gia Prism in May of 2017.

I'm just going to lay it out really plainly: We are at the end of days. We are wrapping it up here on planet Earth. Now, if you are of the camp that is always believed in and been afraid of apocalyptic predictions, let me assure you this isn't what I'm talking about. Although these are the kinds of scenes that could unfold and are unfolding in many countries around the world, this is not a doomsday prediction. This is comfort and guidance and assurance that you are on the right path. What was called salvation in religious cultures I consider to be mental relief and rescue and inner salvation from your pains: emotional, mental, and physical.

In this winding-down time on this Earth, we humans, all of us, have a crucial job to do. This is why we were born. This is why we chose to be born in this very time. The wounds and afflictions that you bear are not coincidental. They are not accidental. They are not a curse. And they are not something that is afflicting you. These things that you are struggling with and suffering from are in fact the very tools of your liberation. And not only that, but tools of liberation for countless other souls on this planet living and dead. Your job here right now is to integrate the light and the dark.

Now let me break down what that means. The light can be seen as knowledge, truth, knowledge, and peace. And the dark, of course, is anything heavy, negative, oppressive, painful, tormenting — any of these lower feelings, emotions, experiences that we all have as humans.

So how do we integrate the light and the dark? Well, this is a topic that could fill entire books. So for the purpose of this communication I'll just explain it this way: Integrating the light and dark could also be phrased as transmuting the dark into light. In much the way that trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, this is our job. Integrating the light in the dark means that we must learn how to transmute the dark and heavy energies within us and all around us in order to convert them to light energies. In this way we not only eradicate the dark, but we are appreciating the dark for all its wisdom, for all that it has blessed us with in terms of soul growth and opportunities. 

So in a way, this mission of integrating the light and the dark is twofold. One, we must learn to see our challenges, our afflictions, our burdens, our pains as tools of service, as opportunities for us to ascend into these higher realms of consciousness and ultimately paradise, and as tools of liberation and of glory. We must stop seeing ourselves as hapless victims. We must stop raging against the forces that seek to put us down. We must learn how to be grateful for our trials and tribulations, and I don’t mean in a patronizing or placating sense of, "Now we are stronger because of them." I want you to think of your trials as the perfect situations that you were blessed with, because they are the key to liberation of yourself and of all the generations who have come before you. 

You see, within your DNA structure you not only hold all the physical traits and attributes of your ancestors, you hold their memories, beliefs, experiences, hopes, dreams, fears, and nightmares. They exist within you. And that is why we see cycles in families: cycles of poverty, cycles of abuse, and on and on. This is no accident, and again, please don't misunderstand. This is no curse; this is an opportunity.

Right now in this moment in time, when we are tasked with integrating the light and the dark and transmuting the dark forever, what we mean is, these challenges are providing you the perfect opportunity to heal these cycles for yourself, for your loved ones living, and for your ancestors long dead. For anytime a challenge appears for one soul in the bloodline, it can either be surrendered to and lost to, or it can be overcome and won.

When these challenges appear, it is a sign for your soul to take notice. It is an opportunity for you to accept the challenges and say, "Yes, I see this pain. I see this suffering. I see this affliction. I see it, I recognize it, I thank it, I am blessed for all that it has taught my lineage and all that it is teaching me today. And now, it is with gratitude and love that I choose another way. I choose to bravely face what lies before and what lies within my deepest corners of shame and sorrow and guilt and regret and anguish. I choose to see it bravely and to allow it to rise. I allow myself the very uniquely human opportunity to feel these emotions and all that comes with: the sorrow and this anguish and these cycles and experiences. I willingly allow my body to feel pain of these experiences, because it is only in the feeling that we are able to heal."

Through feeling our emotions, we allow pure physical expression. And when we allow these truths and fears and hidden emotions to be brought fully to the surface, without resisting them, without fighting them, without shutting them down, without raging and wailing against them, when we allow them to fully rise and hold them in love and gratitude and appreciation, this is the transfiguring power, the transmuting power, the transfiguration of these generations of shame, pain, anguish. All that is required of you, simply put, is to feel. In order to heal, you must feel. 

And when you do, know in your heart that in this moment of your deepest anguish, next it will be but a moment. This I promise. If you can surrender to the feeling in that moment, with gratitude, allowing it to pass through you, it will pass quickly. It will be as a baptism by fire, and as with fire, it will purify your soul in a way that nothing else could. You will transmute the energy of this experience and lesson and pain and suffering. And you will be purified not only in your mind and body and soul, but in your DNA. And by purifying your DNA, you will heal and release all those before you who have also held this pain and shame. 

This is our purpose here on Earth at this time. And it is both an individual and a global responsibility to ourselves, to our ancestors, to our families living, to any who choose to come next and to on this Earth who call it our home now in this space and time. When you choose to allow yourself the opportunity to transmute this pain, you will heal the world. For by integrating the light and the dark, you remove the heaviness of darkness. And when one removes it, the other has more courage to remove it. And when we all have the courage to remove it, that is when darkness will no longer take hold of our planet. Our sorrows will be lifted as a collective, as a species. Darkness and sorrow and anguish will no longer reign on this Earth. And we will be free to remove ourselves from the Armageddon scenario and walk into Paradise.

This process is happening now with or without you. This is why so many are feeling the utter depths of anguish and despair and turmoil of all shapes and sizes. This is why dark deeds are running rampant upon the Earth, for these deeds serve as the triggers for those of us who have this ability to bear the light and transmute the dark. These triggers are calling for your attention. Do not ignore them. Do not turn away from the suffering in all corners of the world. Face it bravely and with love. Welcome it, embrace it, open your heart to the transformative power that is to be found in feeling your emotions. For indeed, you not only have the ability to heal your own DNA, but the souls and spirits of those who are too far downtrodden to go through this process themselves. Simply by feeling, and compassionately witnessing and being willing to experience and bear the burden for a moment, you have the power to heal the world. And that is what Armageddon is all about: the last gasp and grasp of darkness. It has been unleashed with a violent fury upon this Earth, because the darkness knows its time has come. And soon, it will no longer. Soon, it will cease to be. It will no longer have power over us as it has since the dawn of time. 

We are at a critical juncture. The pain and sorrow you are feeling at this moment is not an accident, and it is not a curse, and it is not something that you you will suffer from for the rest of your days. Have the courage to feel what is buried within you, what is bubbling up and trying to break the surface. Allow it to come through. Allow it to be released. Allow it to flow through you and out of you and trust that when you do so, it will be cleansed forever more.

This is our sacred mission upon the Earth, and simply by virtue of hearing these words, they have come to you as a message. They have come to you to remind you of who you are and why you've come. They remind you of the power and strength you have within you, and that this is your moment. This is what you are here on this Earth to do: to heal and liberate us all.

Allow yourself to witness and feel. Be grateful for and compassionately experience the emotions. In this way you will integrate the light and the dark, and a critical mass will be reached in which the entire world will be cleansed. And you will walk hand-in-hand with your brothers and sisters on Earth and with all the ancestors who have gone before in gratitude for this moment in time and for your role that you have played in the liberation of all mankind. You are blessed with the ability to bear this burden. You are blessed with a strength to see it through, and with the fortitude to go forward and do your part in this critical time on Earth.

If you are hearing these words, now is your moment. Go within and feel. Reach out with compassion and love and feel. This is the time. This is your time.


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